My story, in a nutshell

photo by: @evandavieswed // @iamevandavies

Michigan girl, but have always been a nomad.  I can't seem to stay in one place longer than a year.  I am currently living full time IN AN RV on the West coast!  I get a lot of questions on the origin of my name.  My name is Arabic, I was named after my late Grandmother, my Father is Egyptian and my Mother is Eastern European.  

I have recently been identified as "the talker," I am still coming to terms with that one, but I don’t think I mind it.  I am shy at first, but when I get to know you I might make you my new best friend, I love new friends.

I love my family, my dog, yoga, fitness, all things vegan, traveling, being outdoors, reading, naps and shopping of course.

I am RYT 500 certified with a B.S. Exercise Science and always looking to expand my knowledge.  I incorporate yoga, meditation, and fitness in my daily routine, without it I'd be lost, perhaps literally.  Fun fact: I have no sense of direction. 

Did I mention I love traveling? Check out my Travel blogs if you need some inspo!