6/26 Floating SUP Sound Bath on Sylvan Lake

6/26 Floating SUP Sound Bath on Sylvan Lake


Wednesday, June 26th, 7pm

YES, you read that right! We will be FLOATING on the lake to receive the healing vibrations of the crystal sound bowls. Together we will paddle, connect + anchor our SUP boards together and you get to simply receive while floating on the water + allowing the soft waves + sweet sounds to lull you to pure bliss!!

Please note - some paddling may be required to reach our floating destination, however no experience is necessary and seated paddling is always welcome and more forgiving :)

What to bring: Apparel – Bathing suit under your yoga clothes, or SUP yoga specific apparel. Eye wear, hat and sunscreen. Trucker hats are great because it floats. Croakies for your glasses, so you don’t lose them or a pair you don’t mind losing in the water if you fall in. PFD’s are required on the board, if you have your own favorite one please bring it. SUP board is included!

Where: Exact dock location on Sylvan Lake will be sent via email day before event.


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